52 Lists Week #7-- The Things That Make you Feel Healthy

This week's list topic the things that make you feel healthy: mind, body & soul was a much needed challenge.  

Mostly because I have NOT been feeling healthy lately.  It seems like we have been sick in this house since Thanksgiving.  We've had colds swarming around us, a touch of the stomach bug here and there, and just a general feeling of "blah!"

I have watched the numbers on the scale climb higher and higher each week vowing to change my eating and exercise habits only to push it off for another day or time or week.  

I am struggling with winter blues and feeling cooped up in our house.  Temps this weekend hit an all time low of -10 (with a windchill of -20) and it's honestly just a struggle to get out of bed.  I just want to burrow under the covers and wait for spring.  I dream of beaches, palm trees, and being warm.  

But this is a list post and so list I will!  

Here are the things that make ME feel healthy: mind, body & soul:

  • Eating more fruits and vegetables
  • exercising everyday! 
  • Drinking more water
  • reading inspirational books
  • taking bubble baths
  • spending quality alone time with my husband
  • spending time in the woods
  • relaxing in the sun
  • listening to the ocean waves
  • cleaning house
  • using my pedometer 
  • listening to music
  • creating artwork of any sort
  • having a girls night out (or in!)

Others in this series:


  1. Such wonderful ways to feel healthy! I love listening to ocean waves, too -- actually, I love listening to water: little creeks, rain falling, ocean waves crashing, etc.

    And, now it's time to clean more of our house! Have a wonderful week :)

    1. We just finished cleaning... off for a bike ride... in the snow... not sure how that will work but he boys insist it will be fun so we're going to give it a try.

  2. I'm not sure CLEANING house makes me feel healthy . . . but the clean house as a result is nice! haha! :)

    1. LOL! Well I usually clean house when I'm upset; then I take out all my frustration on the dirt, dust and clutter.

  3. Spending time in the Woods...yes! I also love spending quality time with my husband... :-)

    1. We spent a lot of time in the woods this week; I think that is what made me think of it.

  4. Bubble baths! Oh how I miss those. Seems I never get the time for a good soak in the tub. Great list!

    1. Nothing like a soak in the tub with a good book to help calm me down.


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