Counting Down the 15 Most Popular Posts of 2015 #11

So here is post number 11: (originally posted August 19th) Socializing Those Homeschoolers It's funny that even though homeschooling is growing by leaps and bounds, even though there are literally hundreds of homeschool blogs and they all talk about all the activities their kids are involved in we all still get the dreaded socialization question: "Aren't you worried about their socialization?" NO!! My kids are way more social now than when they were in school. At school they often got in trouble for socializing or else their friends ended up in a different classroom and they didn't have anyone that they really "clicked" with in their classroom for that particular year. They had a limited number of children to pick from for the most part and heaven forbid if they had different interests from the "norm." Don't get me wrong they made friends but there were only a few kids they saw outside the school day as well....