Our Weekly Wrap- Up; A Day Early

We had a shortened week of school this week. My hubby and I had an overnight trip planned so the boys had the end of the week off from school. It's also why I'm posting our weekly wrap up a day early because our week is DONE! I think the boys were looking forward to us going away almost as much as I was looking forward to getting away. We spent Monday on a field trip at the zoo so it was a pretty lightened load of schoolwork this week. With Halloween coming up this weekend we tried to incorporate lots of fun "Halloween" type stuff into our week. Luckily, the boys worked extra hard on those two days we actually did school knowing they had a few days off to look forward to. Science- - All three boys finished up their display boards for the science fair. We also spent a full (chilly!) day at the zoo observing all the animals. It was a Halloween themed day at the zoo; the kids wore costumes and got to trick or treat around the zoo in t...