Unschooling Summer Week #9

We had such a busy week again this week! Our calendar didn't look very full at the onset of the week but the days quickly filled up and morphed into one another. I felt like it went by in a blur. We did so much and yet we felt pretty relaxed and happy. Socialization-- I felt like we spent the bulk of our week with a house full of friends and family. We had my college girlfriend and her family over so we had 7 kids running around playing in the lake enjoying the boat, jet ski, and each other. They swam, laughed, ran, jumped off the bridge into the water and had fun visiting with everyone. Alec had a friend sleep over one night and so we had an "extra" kid for 24 hours. The boys had a blast playing with him and their new Wii game Lego Jurassic World. Ian went to play at a friend's house one day this week and when he got back home we offered to watch said friend and his younger brother while their mother went shopping. We took t...