Some Benefits of Going to a Microsoft Computer Camp

Our 4th week of summer unschooling was busy shuttling back and fort to a mall where the local Microsoft store hosted a free summer camp for kids on computer coding.

We enjoyed listening to our book on CD while driving and exploring a "new" mall.  We did some shopping and Ian went to three different stores checking prices and all of his choices before deciding what to buy.

They made many new friends at camp and it was great to see Alec, in particular, interacting with kids much younger than himself.  Many of the kids at camp had younger siblings hanging around and though Alec usually does not want to play with younger kids I saw him talking and playing with a few of them throughout the week.

Their main focus this week was on computer coding and learning all the ins and outs of the various programs they were encouraged to use.

These Microsoft camps are amazing.  We highly recommend them to any young kids interested in the very basics of coding.
  • They're Free
  • They allow kids to get hands on experience with various computer programs
  • They are fun and engaging
  • They allow kids to connect with one another over a common interest
  • They show kids all the new technology available
  • They incorporate reading, writing, and math through computers
  • Most of the activities are open ended and allow for a lot of creativity
  • The teachers are positive and encouraging                 

Hard at work coding.  He was so intense and serious.  
Checking out the birch tree forest.  We loved
looking up at the "leaves" and trying to
figure out how they made the trees.  
While the camp up most of our week we did other things too.

The younger two boys spent some time at the forge making a new hook & learning how to keep themselves safe from burns and accidents.

They all did some reading too; Ian finished up Catching Fire and told me he couldn't wait for computer camp to end so he could start the third book.  Yep, that's right; he wanted computer camp to end so he could READ!  I never thought I'd hear those words come out of his mouth.


  1. A free coding camp! What a awesome opportunity.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I was so surprised to discover that most of the Microsoft stores offer free summer camps all summer long; 2 hours a day for 4 days. The kids got a t-shirt and a certificate and everything! They also offer free field trips. Our homeschool group set up a field trip for us and that's where we learned about their summer camps.

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