Star Wars Art Project & Activities

We had another great day working on our Star Wars Unit.  We made chalk drawings, had a sight word hunt,

We started our school day with art today!

It's been so long since we've done an art project as part of school and today I decided I just had to plan something.

I knew all the kids could balk or decide not to participate; but to my surprise all three had a great time!!!

Evan, my non- artist, even had a fabulous time and he's so proud of his completed piece that he wants to hang it on his bedroom wall!

We made solar system chalk pastel drawings to go along with our Star Wars theme and I told them to be creative on planet colors, the number of planets, and the various sizes too.

I taught the boys to add highlights and shadows to turn a circle into a sphere.

We took a ball and shined a flashlight on one side to look at the various tones and shading.

I demonstrated how to add shading by doing my own picture.

They did great!

The older boys added comets, shooting stars, & even some rings around a few planets.

We found a basic tutorial for this art project here and I tweaked it as needed.  The boys even took turns spraying their final pictures with the fixative.

Adding high & low lights 

Blending with blender pen 

Alec is picking out just the right colors 

Our completed pictures 
Reading and Sight Word Fun:

With art over, Alec settled down to read his Warriors book and Ian wanted to read a chapter in Catching Fire.

When I was done reading with Ian, Evan read How Many Fish? to me and then we went to shoot the stormtroopers.

I had found these printable, blank, stormtrooper flashcards.  I printed out two or three pages and filled in all of Evan's sight words in the blanks.

 I then taped them up in small groups around the house.

Evan had to find them, use his Nerf gun to shoot them, and then read the words out loud to me.

 It was fun and good practice.
The sight words 

shooting stormtroopers 

The older two boys each worked on two more pages in their math workbooks while Evan had a Star Wars fact sort. 

 He had twelve addition and subtraction equations that already had the answers written on them.

If the facts were correct those equations were set on the Light Side and those that were wrong went on the Dark Side.

Once he had them divided up he counted and saw that there were 6 equations on each side.

He told me that was 12 total equations and that they were equal since 12 was an even number.

Writing Chewy Style:
Their last "assignment" for the day was to think of 7 words that started with the same beginning sound as Chewbacca.

Alec and Ian knew that they needed to think of ch- words and for them this was more of a spelling assignment.

Evan had to tell me what consonant blend made the "ch" sound and think of other words with the same sound so, for him, it was more of a phonics assignment.

They had fun with it and while they didn't spell everything correctly they were quite creative coming up with words like challenge, chestnut, Chespin (a Pokemon character's name), & cheddar cheese.

When school was over the boys headed outside to play.  Nothing to do with Star Wars I know but I was impressed that Evan finally learned to ride his bike that I could not help but mention it today!!!

Ian replanted his orange seed plant since it was starting to outgrow it's cup.  He now has multiple sprouts and shoots!

The boys also rode scooters, played on the swings and drew with chalk in the driveway.

 I challenged Evan to ride his bike for 10 whole minutes.  He was all gung- ho about learning to ride a bike this summer and asked us to fix up one of his brothers' old bikes.  We got new tire tubes, oiled it up and he rode around the yard once.  We realized he really needed practice and put the training wheels back on for him too.  Then he never once rode it again.  I've been trying to get him to just try it out.  I'm pretty sure once he gets the pedaling motion down he'll be riding around in no time.  He's got pretty good balance already.  But getting him to agree to ride has been torture.

Today I bribed him by offering to make his lunch for him if he'd ride for 10 minutes straight.

The first few times around the driveway didn't go so well and I thought he was going to quit but he kept at it and by the end of the 10 minutes when the timer went off he kept going!!!

 Ian and Alec joined him and while they all rode for 15 or so minutes I went to make lunches.

replanting is serious work 

'round and 'round he goes 

He really started getting the hang of it by the end of the day
 he didn't even want to get off it!


  1. I love the planets artwork!! My daughter likes working with chalk pastels, so that would be a good project for her to try sometime. Thanks for linking up to the Virtual Fridge!

    1. Thank you for coming to check it out. It was a fun way to introduce shading a sphere and we discovered that all three of my boys enjoyed chalk pastels too.


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