Ladybugs and Rainbows

We had so much fun this weekend even though our weekend was mainly spent lying around the house. Watching them go about their weekend I could see so much Unschooling/ learning happening that I just had to document it all! On Saturday we checked our ladybug habitat and found one ladybug and many more just on the verge of emerging. We were thankful for the macro lens on the camera though because without it I don't think we would have been able to notice the difference; they're so tiny! The boys and I read how to care for the ladybugs once they hatch and spent a few moments preparing some raisins for the bug to eat. We kept an eye on our butterfly habitat too since we know they're due to emerge from their chrysalis any day now. (Science) the ladybug larvae The ladybug Evan offered to make lunch on Saturday for his brother by cooking up some scrambled eggs. In cracking the eggs he called me over to show me that he managed to trap the yolk in the sh...