Signs that Homeschooling is Working

It can be hard in the day to day moments of life and homeschooling to know if what we're doing is enough. I often worry that the boys are not building skills or retaining what we're going over. It can be hard to judge those little baby steps they take but other days those steps can be obvious; like today. I was blown away when Ian asked to read two chapters in The Hunger Games and offered to read all 6 pages up front (though he did change his mind after 3 and we took turns back and forth). He did amazing! As much as I have noticed huge growth in his reading & decoding skills I'm always a bit uncertain as to whether or not he's understanding himself as he's reading. He tends to focus so much on the words that he doesn't always listen to himself. I knew this was a problem two years ago when he left public school and I've never really been sure if it's something he's improving on or not. I know he understands what we read but mostly he li...