Brewing Up Some Fun With Homemade Butterbeer

We have been having so much fun with our Harry Potter Unit!  I knew we' d have to try making our own butterbeer at home since we just loved it so much at Universal Studios.  Today was finally the day and the boys could not wait!

The boys  and I watched a movie about the planets today as part of our Harry Potter astronomy unit.  The movie we watched was simply called Planets.  The boys were pretty interested in it; especially Alec who often asked us to rewind or go back to a certain part so he could listen again.

We all learned a little something about our planets and the solar system.

Evan speculated that there must be other galaxies out there and when I assured him that we at least knew there were other solar systems beyond our own he speculated that there must be some sort of other life out there somewhere.

We then made up our own brew of Butterbeer this afternoon. 

We bought the ingredients we needed at the store yesterday and brewed up a batch after lunch today.  It was pretty easy and we followed the recipe found on Design Dazzle's webpage.  Ian and Alec loved our recipe but Evan didn't think it tasted anything like the one he had at Universal Studios.

We unscrewed the cap from our 2 liter bottle of cream soda and added 2 Tablespoons of butter extract and 2 tsp. rum extract.  We gently mixed that together.

In a separate bowl we used our immersion blender to mix together 1 cup of whipping cream, 1 tsp rum extract, and a cup or so of marshmallow Fluff.

It's serious! 

They all had lots of fun making it and worked so well together.  We were surprised to see how much the whipped cream topping began to foam as we added it to the soda mixture.  The boys happily dug right in and all said it reminded them a bit of a float.

We filled their glasses part way with soda and added a heavy dollop of the cream mixture to the top.

We also read two more chapters in The Deathly Hallows book while we ate lunch and drank our Buterbeer; fitting, I know.  

It was the perfect way to end our school day.

Linking Up With:
Tots and Me


  1. Very cool, Mother of 3! We love Harry Potter also, but so far it has just been the movies. I read half of the first book to my sons, and I can't wait until they are ready to read more of it with me! The Butter Beer sounds yummy! Stopping by from Throwback Thursday at Tots and Me :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! My younger two are HUGE Harry Potter fans and my oldest has actually spent the last week re-watching all of the movies.

  2. I am going to save this idea! I think I am going to introduce Wyatt to Harry Potter this fall. I am excited!!


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