Saturday School

We had a bit of extra schooling this weekend. Luckily, the boys did not mind at all and eagerly participated. I offered to do a fun science experiment with the boys. We've been talking for a few days about making rainbow icicles. It sounded easy enough and they look so pretty. We were excited and with temperatures hovering around freezing this week it seemed like a good time to attempt it. Alec and Evan helped me set up the container, measure the yarn, decided on the starting color and then we headed outside. The wind was whipping off the water and blowing our yarn all around. We soon realized we had no way to suspend the container off the deck railing like we had planned and so we decided to head back in and reevaluate our plan. We changed containers, added a string to hang it from and set it off the hooks underneath our deck. The string was still blowing all around and the hole in our second container was so large the water was just...