Travelling to Orlando Florida

Once we left the airport they all looked around anxiously.  We had finally arrived in Orlando!

We drove to our hotel and after checking in and dropping our bags in our room we got ready to head to the pool and go swimming.

The boys loved our hotel pool; which had a big pirate ship in it!

They went down the waterslide, swam and played in the sprinklers.

Our hotel provides beach balls, pool noodles and other assorted floating toys for the kids to play with.  The boys asked their dad to play Jackpot; a game that they made up with the help of some friends and family at the beginning of the summer.  One person throws the ball and the others all try to catch it.  The thrower assigns values to the balls and each player keeps tabs on their score.  The first one to reach a certain amount or catch a Jackpot ball wins and gets to be the thrower in the next game.  Alec has started adding negative numbers into his game too.  They had fun playing with math and then we all dried up and headed out to dinner.

Playing Jackpot

We ate at a local Irish pub and sports bar and the boys watched a soccer and rugby game.  They noticed a lot about the games watching the pros play.  I had never even seen a rugby match or watch anyone play before and it was quite amazing to see these guys crushing one another and taking so many hits to their bodies without any real protective gear.  It was crazy and completely riveting!

Evan started pointing out all the Shamrocks and told me it reminded him of all the Ireland books we had read when we were studying Ireland.  I was so surprised he remembered!

It was late and after a long day of travel we were all tired and ready to try out our hotel beds. 

Our Other Vacation Posts:
Day 2: Wizarding World of Harry Potter 
Day 3: Legoland
Day 4: Clearwater Aquarium
Day 5: Disney Quest
Day 6: Wekiwa Spring State Park 
Day 6 continued: Medieval Times Dinner Show
Day 7: Universal Studios 


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