Our rainy day Quest: Playing at Disney Quest in Downtown Disney

When we woke to more rain we started looking up things to do indoors in Orlando for the day.  The forecast called for rain all day and warned of rain for the entire weekend.

We came up with several ideas but the boys were begging to spend the day at Disney Quest in Downtown Disney.

I wasn't thrilled the idea of playing video games all day but I knew the boys would have so much fun and since they were all in agreement I certainly wasn't going to argue.  I was afraid it would be really crowded with the forecast since I knew we wouldn't be the only ones looking for things to do indoors.  But I needn't have worried!

We went out to breakfast first and had a fabulous time.  There was a man making balloon animals for all the kids.  He made a sword for Ian and a Monkey in a tree for Alec (Evan didn't want anything).  I reminded the boys of the time we tried to make balloon animals.  It was so hard and this man was making it all look so easy!

We arrived in Downtown Disney and went right to Disney Quest.  The rain had stopped for a bit and we were thankful since we had to wait outside for about 15 minutes until it opened.

Had to snap a photo as Evan tried to hold Ian's hand and ended
up patting him on the back. 
Waiting in line for Disney Quest to open up
Once inside we had a fabulous time.  We played for a good 2 or 3 hours straight.  Even with the line of people waiting to get in it didn't feel real crowded.

We tried out a whole variety of games; many of them completely new to us.  We got to don hats and virtual reality helmets and fly a magic carpet, we sat on inflatable tubes and paddled down the rapids during the dinosaur age, we went on a safari and tried to capture jungle animals, and we even got to make up our own rock song by picking and choosing lyrics.  The boys also played old favorites like Fruit Ninja, air hockey, and Tetris.

We waited here and there for a few games but for the most part the place was not at all crowded.

Temple run & Let's go Jungle
Donkey Kong

Temple run
More Temple run

Jambo Safari

We decided to take a break and have some snacks for our lunch.  I suggested we go outside and walk around for a bit to get away from all the noise and screens.  My eyes really needed a break and fresh air was sounding so wonderful.

We walked out to dry sidewalks and sunshine-- guess the weathermen were wrong and it wasn't going to rain the whole day!

We walked around downtown Disney for a while and found some ice cream, smoothies, and jumbo pretzels.  We soaked in the sunshine and fresh air and tried to make plans with some relatives that live down here.  It was amazing to see all the construction that was taking place and hear about all the plans to double the size of Downtown Disney.

We finally decided to go back inside and the boys all wanted to head for a floor where they could drive; they drove ski mobiles, pod racers, and boats.  They pretended to be Lightening McQueen and Sonic too.

They headed upstairs to play Deal or No Deal, Monopoly, and Wheel of Fortune.  They tried their hand at skiing, and being superheroes.  Evan played Skylanders and Jet Pack Joyride.

It was a fun day with lots of laughs and smiles and would have been the perfect way to spend a rainy day-- had it actually rained! 

Living Easels let all the boys be artists with movie pictures

Picking out lyrics for our songs

Deal or No Deal

We had snowmobile races

Wheel of Fortune

Sonic the Hedgehog

Pod racing

Ian played this racing game a few times with the boy next to him (who was in a wheelchair).  It was neat to see that not one
of my boys even noticed that-- to them he was just another fun kid to play with! 

More snowmobile races

Evan tried alpine skiing and came in first place!

Jetpack Joyride
We stopped for a quick dinner at the boys favorite Orlando restaurant-- Steak and Shake! and had a quick dinner of burgers and milk shakes.  We warned the boys this would be the final time we stopped for dinner there this trip.  While driving we played a fun alphabet game where we go through each letter of the alphabet and try to come up with animal that starts with each letter.

Our Other Vacation Posts:
Day 1: Checking out the Hotel Pool 
Day 2: Wizarding World of Harry Potter 
Day 3: Legoland
Day 4: Exploring the Clearwater Aquarium
Day 6: Wekiwa Spring State Park 
Day 6 continued: Medieval Times Dinner Show
Day 7: Universal Studios 


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