Our Long Weekend Led to Lot of Nature Studies

We had a fun but quiet Labor Day weekend.

Saturday found Ian and my husband in the woods cutting down a dead tree for us to cut up and use as fire wood this winter.

The uounger two boys took off into a different part of our woods and started working on a fort.  They happily played in the woods ALL day!

 We showed them the woodpecker hole we found carved into a log and they showed me some rather large bugs they found.

We also found a baby snake in our wood pile and while checking it out we noticed how wide it can open it's mouth.  We talked about proper handling techniques and that it's best to stay away from them altogether.

Sunday found the two younger boys, once again, out in the woods working on their fort and playing in the trees.  They had a ball and did not want to come home at all.  The fort had been started with the help of an adult but the boys spent the days covering it with moss and branches to try and help keep out the weather.

the fort from behind

the fort from the side

We woke on Labor Day and headed out to breakfast rather late in the morning.  We played hangman, and tic tac toe while waiting for our food.

We decided to have a cook out and invited my sisters and my parents over to hang out with us for the day at the lake.

The boys helped us do a quick grocery shopping and then we headed home.  While my husband an I made the food, the boys worked together to clean off the patio furniture.  We got the boat and jet ski ready and sat back to wait for our company.

The boys swam in the lake, went tubing and for jet ski rides.  They had lots of fun playing with their cousins.  Ian did a bit of fishing when it started getting dark and all the boys had fun roasting marshmallows and making s'mores.  It was a great ending to our weekend!


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