Squeezing in our Schoolwork on Fun Summer Days

After spending our day yesterday traveling to a friends' house along the shoreline and then visiting with said friends all day we didn't really have any time for schoolwork.

I didn't mind because it is summer and we try to make the most of "summer fun."  I do try to squeeze in schoolwork whenever I can during the summer but realize it's not always possible each and every day.

We did finish up our Percy Jackson book on CD while driving to and from their house and spent a good 30 minutes at our library stocking up on books for all three boys on our way home so I figured that was at least a little something.  I was happy to help Alec find even more books on the Greek Gods and watch him hunker down and read an entire book before bed.

Alec's book selections-- All about the Greek gods! 

We went for a nice family boat ride around the lake lat night and the boys took turns tubing for a bit... before our boat broke.  The boys and I walked home along the road, got ready for bed, and ended up staying up late all snuggled in my bed reading another chapter and a half in Harry Potter while watching my husband swim our boat home (long story!).  It was a fun and eventful day and we went to bed happy and tired. 

Alec "surfing" while the boat was stopped

Evan and Ian tube for a bit

Alec decided to try tubing too

Ian's really the only one who enjoyed it

heading home
  When we woke today, I assumed it was going to be another busy day without any schoolwork getting done.  I wanted to clean the house, run and get groceries for our big 4th of July weekend (we always have a huge family party on one of the weekend around the 4th), and we already had plans to head to our library for a summer movie showing of The Lego Movie.  Imagine my surprise when we managed to get two subjects done-- each! 
Alec and Ian worked in their Draw Write Now books.  Alec learned about Opossums and Ian learned about the Arctic Circle. 

 Evan and I read a small little book together called Mary Had A Great Big Dog and then we played a sight word game together.

I spread all the sight words our on the rug and using a timer in a "beat the clock" kind of game he had to find the words as I called them out.   He ran up to get more words out of his room, read every single word to me without hesitating and then proceeded to add those to our playing mat and played (really well) for at least 20 minutes. 

Evan worked on two pages in his math book about triangles and each of the older boys picked a book to read instead of doing math today.  Alec read Z is for Moose and Ian read Build Dogs Build.  We then listened to another chapter and a half in Harry Potter (and since the boys really didn't want me to stop half way through the chapter even though it was time to go, Alec finished reading the book to us in the car on the way to the library). 

We met up with some friends and settled in to enjoy our movie.  We picked up the next Percy Jackson book on CD and started listening to it in the car on the way home.  I loved how much school work we managed to squeeze in on a fun summer day! 


  1. I am so sorry about the boat! Oh my to have to swim it home!

    Matthew and I are listening to Percy Jackson and reading Harry Potter as well. Great books!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



    1. Yeah, it's always an adventure when you have an old boat. LOL. We've been towed home (or swam it home) a few times now.


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