Artists Weekend by the Lake; How To Make Your Own Paint

I was so glad to see my boys finally doing some art this weekend! We didn't have much planned and since it was so nice and sunny out we decided to just hang out down on our patio and swim. I brought out some art supplies and the boys painted a little bit both days. On Saturday we made sweetened condensed milk paint (something Alec has been asking me to do with him for a while). We opened a jar of condensed milk and divided it into three bowls. We then added food coloring to each bowl until we had a color we liked. He painted a pink river dolphin playing in the river on a sunny day. Sweetened Condensed Milk Paint Alec's finished masterpiece We made Karo corn syrup paints. We mixed up clear corn syrup with some of our liquid watercolor paints to make a few vibrant colors. I then printed off some stained glass coloring pages from The Benson Street webpage and Alec sat down to happily work on coloring in a beautiful butterfly....