Superhero Science

I just love when I have planned something for school that the boys are genuinely excited to try.

Today they were so excited they could hardly wait for school to start.  While I was cleaning the house they were brainstorming ways they would help free Batman, Robin and Aquaman from Mr. Freeze's ice blocks-- our fun hands on science lesson for the day.

I obviously planned ahead and prepared this lesson yesterday so the boys knew what we were doing.

I had them pick out the superhero they wanted and then used three plastic containers that were all the same size to freeze their guys in.

 I told them the superheros had been frozen by Mr. Freeze and they were going to need to be rescued.
They had all night to think about their strategy.

A little anticipation never hurts!  

When we were finally ready to start school, Ian wanted to use his hammer and chisels he got with his gem excavating kit.  Alec thought since sunlight and warm air melt ice that my hair dryer would probably work well.  Evan wanted to use salt.  We talked about warm water, time spent in the warm house and any other ideas they could think of.

Most of the boys tried a variety of different ways but Evan pretty much stuck with warm water and salt and he was so proud of himself when he freed Robin before his brothers!  It was such a fun, hands on science experiment.  They tried flipping the ice over and excavating from the other side.  They tried letting the salt or the hot water just sit in place on their ice blocks.  They tried pulling the guys out when they had body parts freed.  In the end they all used LOTS of hot water and salt (though my hair dryer did get quite a workout!).

Alec starts right in with the hair dryer

Ian tries to chisel Batman free

Evan pouring hot water onto Robin

Alec and Ian switch tools and try another way to free their men

We can see a foot!

Batman's cape and foot are working their way free

Robin is almost completely freed! 

Evan got his guy freed first! 


  1. Oh! How fantastic! I love this experiment! I did that at Ethan's 4th Birthday party, but with dinosaurs. They kids had real fun with trying to get them out. I think we may do it again this summer too! Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost :) xx


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