Australia Books, Activities and Resources

We've picked up a lot of books and movies about Australia.    I try to keep a nice mix of fiction and non- fiction.  I also ordered quite a few aboriginal folk tales and lots of books about the animals of Australia since that is what the two youngest boys are interested in. 

Ian couldn't wait to watch this travel video about Australia.  We watched this video some time last year and he really wanted to see it again.

The younger two boys took off with the books Diary of a Wombat and Diary of a Baby Wombat (two more books in the Christmas Wombat series that they just love) and went to Evan's room to read them together.

For our Australia study we read Possum Magic, and Australian Animals.

We then made a quick and yummy snack called Fairy Bread that they eat at children's parties in Australia.  The boys enjoyed this yummy sugary snack.. well except for Alec!

To make fairy bread you take soft, fresh white bread, spread butter on it to the very edges and then cover it in sprinkles.  Alec thought the butter part was gross, he was willing to try it though but his face once he did was just priceless!

Not loving the fairy bread

Evan thought it was delicious!

We then made him a second slice using Nutella instead of butter and he thought that was much better. 

We then finished our day watching a National Geographic movie about Australian animals called Wonders Down Under.  We stopped the movie part way through when we had some company.  My husbands aunt came over with a bunch of materials from her trip to Australia that she thought the boys might like to see.

Our other Australia books and movies:

Joey (movie)

Linking Up With: Wonderful Wednesday, Over the Moon


  1. What a great list of books. It looks like a good list for grandparent gifts!


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