Farewell Australia!

It's been so nice learning about Australia and we've had a wonderful time trying yummy snacks, painting beautiful pictures, watching all our movies and reading tons of wonderful books but it's time to say good bye and move on. We started our day with math again. All three boys had a color by number sheet. The older two boys had a groundhog multiplication sheet where they solved the equations and then colored in the groundhog while Evan added and colored. Evan's sheet was very tricky since most of the equations were with larger numbers. I was impressed with how easily he was able to figure out 9+8 or 12 +3. The older boys worked on their math minute for the five times tables and Ian was thrilled he manage to get them all today and earn yet another ice cream scoop. While we were at the kitchen table we just kept plugging away at the day's work. Evan and I played a sight word board game together-- I found this great pack of printable wi...