Jack Frost Themed Day

It's only fitting that after yesterday's snowstorm today we had a whole snowman, snow, and Jack Frost kind of day!

We planned to watch the movie Jack Frost, make snowmen ornaments, make some snowmen gifts and my favorite-- write about what it would be like to live in a snow globe.  I couldn't wait to get started but since the boys wanted to go out and play in the snow.... I did wait.

The boys had quickly realized that everything was a bit frozen outside and they weren't having much fun so they came in and we started school.

We started our day with math.  The older two boys had a fraction snowman to draw and Evan worked on graphing.  I found this cute Owl Christmas worksheet where he had to color each object in the picture, count them up and make a bar graph.  They all did great!

 After math, we read our book for today.  It was called A Perfect Snowman and we loved it.

After our book we started on our fun writing activity.   We started with these printouts-- this "If I lived in a snow globe"  was for Evan since it has just a few fill in the blank sentences, this "If I lived in a snow globe" paper was for the older kids since it was just a bunch of blank lines.

Once they wrote up their stories (and boy were they hilarious!), they drew pictures of what it would look like inside their snow globe and then we glued everything onto a large sheet of construction paper.

To end our project we took a handful of fake snow, put it onto the center of the snow globe pictures and then hot glued a clear plastic plate over it so we could have an actual working "snow" globe! 

"other people would shake me around and I
would feel sick!" 

I would see polar bears, hear roaring, smell food
and feel cold

"I would be turned upside down and then
right side up a lot"
We  had a few fun craft projects planned for today too.

We started by making these adorable tea light snowmen.

I found some electronic (battery operated) tea lights at the dollar store and we hot glued pipe cleaners and pompom earmuffs onto them.  We used sharpie makers to draw the snowman face (minus the nose of course).  Then we finished off our snowman with a tiny bit of ribbon scarf (also hot glued in place).  The boys loved these ornaments so much they decided to keep them for themselves and hang them on their trees.

Next up, we made some gifts for our family.

We took microwave popcorn bags, wrapped them in white paper (using adhesive to hold the paper in place), drew snowman faces on them with black and orange markers, tied a ribbon scarf around them and topped our snowmen off with dollar store gloves (tie the fingers altogether in a bunch). 

For snack we made snowmen cheese sticks (we also made extras to share with our homeschool group at another date).  We drew the face and nose with sharpie markers on the back of the cheese sticks, tied yarn scarves around them, and then made hats out of a black sticky foam sheet.  I think they're just adorable. 

 After lunch I had the boys come up to my room one by one and we wrapped the gifts they had bought for one another.  They were so adorably excited about seeing what they bought for each other and nervously exclaimed "I hope they like what I bought them!"  When wrapping they painstakingly poured over all the pictures on the gift tags to pick just the right one and dug through all the bows to get each other's favorite color.  But I think the best part was when Evan brought his gifts down to put under the tree and he asked Alec if he liked the wrapping job he did on Alec's gift and Alec said "That's just the bow I was hoping for!"  Then Evan pointed out that the tag had Santa's reindeer on it and he picked it out special since it had animals on it.  Alec turned to him and with a beaming smile said "thanks Evan!"  Can't wait to see how they respond to the actual gifts!!  I was laughing so hard (inside so I didn't hurt their feelings).

We started the movie Jack Frost and the boys seemed to enjoy it.  I had never seen it before either so I sat down with the boys to watch it.  It was wonderful.

Linking Up With:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg


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