Organizing Ideas for Kids Toys, Games and Puzzles

This is the time of year I go crazy cleaning and organizing. Seriously crazy, uber- organizing, the over the top kind of cleaning and organizing most people do in a year, I do in a week! And I love it! I love organizing, cleaning, straightening and making the house look nice. I can't stand clutter and really live the mantra "everything in it's place." Something about taking down all the Christmas decorations and cleaning up the house makes me go a bit nutty. I love to decorate for Christmas, but by Christmas day all the decorations start to make the house feel cluttered. Add to that all the millions of toys and games the kids get and I am chomping at the bit to clean it all up. I dive in headlong and start cleaning things I previously thought were pretty organized. Over the last four days I have re-arranged all the furniture in the boys rooms, brought up tables and bins from the playroom and helped them organize all their new Christmas toys. I h...