Science Lessons With Our Hiking Group

My boys woke eager because it was science day.

I told them I wasn't actually teaching science today since we were finally meeting up with our Happy Homeschool Hikers group to go on a nature hike.  The boys were so excited to be seeing some of their friends we hadn't seen  in a long time.

Today's hike took place in two parts and the boys convinced me to only go to the afternoon hike that their aunt and cousins were going to also.
We met our homeschool friends at Goodwin State Park and had a glorious day for hiking, picnicking and nature study.  We met TONS of new homeschooling families and made new friends.

We were even allowed into the nature preserve center and saw taxidermy animals, old beehives, nests, furs and a huge display of bark, leaves and identifying trees.  It was great!  We saw frogs, a walking stick, a heron, some ducks, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and many "new" types of seeds, leaves and trees. 


pretty view

the berry patch

Evan pets a grasshopper

checking out native animals

A display of the various tree species around

various bee hives

more animals and furs

a dead garter snake; all the kids were fascinated

chestnut seed pods

gathering together-- we had a BIG crowd today!

one mom found a walking stick

bald Cyprus tree

Evan knew this was a birch tree! 

the trail map/ guide has stops along the way with
descriptions of the significance of the stops. 

the other side of the map

identifying poison ivy

Evan was thrilled that these two trees looked like a capital A

Leaf fight!

100 year old trees


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