Another A-MAZE-ing day in a Corn Maze!

We were meeting up with our homeschool group for a field trip to a corn maze at Buttonwood Farm.

The boys spent the car ride taking turns on the Kindle.  I did warn them that since it was school time they could only play educational games.  Evan played his Monkey Word Adventure game and Ian picked Flow Free.  Alec argued that Flow Free wasn't really a learning game and I explained that it required problem solving skills and was a lot like a maze.  He replied with "wow, math is in like... everything!"
We spent our day at the corn maze and the boys played on the hay bale mountain and in the corn crib.  We went on a few hay rides and fed the cows.  We tried our hand at finding our way through the maze and while they didn't always agree on which path to take we did find our way out.  We had duck races and saw baby pigs, goats, and chickens.

the hay mountain is a big hit
burying one another in the corn
duck races
tractor ride
feeding the cows
they're very hungry!
baby pigs
Looking out over the corn maze from the bridge
It was great.  The boys cousins, Aunt and Grandmother came too so we had a lovely family day as well as a homeschooling day.  We ended the day with some delicious homemade ice cream. 

cooling off with some ice cream


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