Getting Ready for A Science Fair

The boys were content to watch some more Magic School bus episodes and Evan even convinced me that Treasure Buddies is educational because it teaches him about Egypt. In case you all haven't noticed, it's pretty much anything goes around here this week. I knew we really needed to work on our science fair projects some more and get all three boys pretty close to ready. I called Evan over and we read the book Soap Bubble Magic together and I had him stop me and tell me facts about soap bubbles to add to our list. We had a list two pages long by the time we finished and then we printed it out. I find there were a few key things we did to help us prepare for this science fair: 1. I let the kids pick topics they were interested in! That way they are excited to read and watch movies about their topics. 2. I let them lead as much as possible. We bought our display boards and I asked them what they planned on putting ...