How to Make Glue & Paint Batik Shirts

We started our batik t-shirts this week. I had let the boys each pick out some acrylic paints a week or two ago at the craft store and promised we'd be making shirts with them. I finally found the time to start them with the kids. We first looked at pictures of batik cloth and clothes to give them some ideas and then I set them loose with white t- shirts and clear glue (though white glue will also work well). Ian sketched his design first but Alec and Evan decided to just free hand them. We got the fronts all glued and set them in the sun to dry two days ago. After they were dry we flipped them over and worked on the backside. We stretched each t-shirt over a large strip of cardboard to keep the glue from leaking through both sides of the shirt. Wherever the glue is; it will resist the paint. Today, we headed outside and painted the fronts of the Batik Shirts. I'm not sure they really understood how Batik works as they didn't...