The Whole Kit and Caboodle: Using Crafting Kits in our Homeschool

Before my boys had even thought of eating breakfast, they dug into a bunch of kits!

We often stock up on crafting and activity kits when we find them on sale and my boys ask for kits for birthdays and Christmas gifts.  We often have a closet full of things we can pick and choose from.

They make such wonderful hands- on lessons!

 Ian worked on mining more of his fool's gold.

Alec started putting together his planet mobile and Evan worked on a mosaic animal sticker kit, similar to this one.  Once Alec finished all he could on his mobile and set it aside to dry we took out his sun catcher kit and worked on his kittens.  We put it in the oven to melt and he went to help Evan finish his mosaic picture.

I think they would have happily worked all day!  I had to remind them all around 9 that they had to eat breakfast so we could head out for trampoline. 

We packed up the car early so we could head to the park and ride bikes, play on the slides and swings, and have a nice picnic outside before trampoline class.  We finished the Magic Tree House book Civil War on Sunday and I learned the function of drummer boys in the army.  I hadn't known that their drumming signified different things like time to eat, time to battle, etc and when I commented on that Ian told me he had known that.  He learned it by watching Pawn Stars!  Just goes to show you never know what you'll learn and when that information will come in handy!
 It was such a nice morning and the kids had a wonderful time climbing, swinging, riding bikes, running and just enjoying the park and the people we met. 

After the park we headed to trampoline.  The boys had fun working on new skills and while Evan had a bit of a difficult time he persevered and didn't quit so I was very proud of him. 
 We listened to Night of the Ninjas and started Revolutionary War on Wednesday.  Once home it started thundering so the boys pulled out a Disney Imagineering movie about levers and pulleys to watch while I made dinner.  Alec noticed the storm included hail as well as rain, thunder and lightening.  They then watched some more Wild Kratts and are all looking pretty tired; thinking it will be early to bed tonight! 


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