Honoring My Boys' Requests

I had planned a field trip for us all today.  I really wanted to get to the  children's museum but the boys didn't want to.  They really wanted to go visit their great grandmother and how could I possibly argue with that?

I try to honor my boys' requests whenever I can and this was one time I was more than happy to comply!

I wandered into the living room and found them at the table playing Memory together while watching Wild Kratts; learning all about the three toed sloth.

 From there, Ian went on to make a saw mill out of Lincoln logs, and Alec tried out his Spiral Art kit he had gotten from Easter.  The boys then asked me to come and play Memory and Sorry with them so I joined them and played a few games. 

At that point I told them that if we were going to head to their great grandmother's house that we needed to get ready.  Since Ian was already dressed he took out his extreme dot- to- dot book and worked on that while Alec got dressed and brushed his teeth.  Alec then took out his color by number book and markers to bring in the car with him.  He colored the whole way to my grandmother's while we finished up the Magic Treehouse Book Revolutionary War on Wednesday. 

My grandmother had Easter treats for the boys so they ate a quick snack and we headed out to go toy shopping with my grandmother.  The boys did all sorts of math through the store.  Ian and Alec tried to keep a running tab of money spent in their heads.  Ian even remembered to allow for tax, though he does not yet know how to figure it out yet so we worked together on that.
We started (and finished) another Magic Treehouse Book called Earthquake in the Early Morning and the boys learned about the San Francisco quake and fires of the 1900"s.  I reminded Ian of the I Survived book about the San Francisco fires that we have and told him I'd read it with him if he's interested.

 We headed to lunch and the boys were so well behaved.  I love watching them interact with my grandmother and other adults.

We had a lively discussion about dining out and the importance of tipping your waitress/waiter for good service.  Alec told me it might not always be possible if you don't have enough money and I told him you have to make sure you have enough money before you even order; if you have enough money to eat out then you have to have enough money to tip.  My grandmother and I then went on to explain that the wait staff doesn't make much money and so they rely on tips. 

After lunch we headed back to my grandmothers and we visited with her for the whole afternoon.  I just love watching the boys interact with my grandmother and know this time together is precious.


  1. Good for you for teaching the importance of tipping! As someone who has waited tables for years that $2.38/hour doesn't pay the bills.


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