Teaching the Value of Working Together

Gearing up for Easter dinner this weekend I wanted to clean house today. The boys were kind enough to help-- moaning and complaining are helping right? I was up early and got a good portion of the upstairs cleaned while the boys slept and then I put away all the stuff for the geography fair so we would have a clean table to sit at for our Easter dinner. After breakfast I sent all the boys upstairs to get dressed, make their beds, and clean their rooms. Ian and Alec had some laundry to fold and put away too. Ian went right to work, he folded all his clothes, dusted his room and then offered to take the mop from me and mop the hallway and stairs! Alec was having a hard time folding all of his clothes and kept asking me to help. I felt bad, but I said no. I was busy cleaning and told him I would help him when I was done if he wasn't finished by then. Evan spent 20 minutes complaining that he doesn't like to clean o...