They're NOT "Just playing!": 15 Quotes About the Importance of Play

"The kids aren't learning, they're just playing."

Oh, how wrong we are!

Kids learn so much by playing!

We went,to the Providence Children's Museum to meet my sister and her two boys.  We hadn't seen them in a while and the boys couldn't wait to get there.

We ended up staying and playing for 6 hours.

I loved the museum and so did the boys!

I loved all the signs they had up about the benefits of play.

Here are our photos from today with sign quotes all about play.  


Play is about the process of discovery

Play encourages independence

Play helps us learn about ourselves

Play is imagining possibilities ("Watch out; we're gonna crash!")

Trying things over and over again is how kids master new skills and form new ideas
(Ian must have made 4 or 5 different  dams today to hold back the water-- changing the design a bit each time)

Play is experimenting to see what materials can do 
(like when Alec asked the docent if he could make a bridge from one water table to another using mini pipes.
The docent said "I don't know; let's try!")

Kids learn by inventing new ways to use things (as Evan turned pegs into light sabers)

Play is making guesses and trying them out

A child loves play, not because it's easy, but because it's hard-- Dr. Spock

Spatial thinkers recognize and create patterns

It is a happy thing to know how to play

You can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have-- Maya Angelou
(Alec used the pegs to make a dolphin jumping out of the water with a bright yellow and orange sun shining down on him)

Play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child-- Joan Almon

Play is exploring with our bodies and brains

Spatial thinkers experiment with size and scale


  1. Wow what an impressive museum that'd would be Roberts idea of fun! 6 hours is great use of time! Agree play is learning at its best. I've always been a learn by doing 😍 ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    1. It is an amazing museum; my kids always beg to go back.

  2. Children certainly seem to be like sponges. I wonder how many things we can turn into play so we easily learn too. #FamilyFunLinky

    1. They sure are! I find just about anything can be turned into play!


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