Roger Williams Zoo-- A Photo Journey

Today, while a bit chilly, was so nice that I wanted to go somewhere.  We've had a rough couple of days around here and I thought we were in need of a field trip.

 Alec's latest obsession with Lesser Pandas made me think of Roger Williams Park Zoo.  I've been promising him I'd take him there for a while and decided it was the perfect time.

They loved it.

 The boys were so excited to see different animals like giant anteaters, lesser pandas, American bison, green tree boa, red crowned crane, elephants, penguins, harbor seals, red wolf,  and African wild dogs to name a few.

African Wild Dogs 

We acted out different animals as we walked through the park and read all the signs.

They got to try and jump as far as a snow leopard (50 feet!) but we only made it as far as a flea or bunny (4-6 feet).

We watched a video of a baby giraffe being born and saw an elephant skull up close in the elephant/ giraffe enclosure.  The boys were very excited to hear that the zoo now has a Binturong too!

The two younger boys brought their cameras and really worked on learning how to take pictures; focusing, zooming, using a flash, etc.  Ian was getting very annoyed with Alec when he couldn't get just the right shot of certain animals and we had to stand there for minutes upon minutes.

Alec trying to get a picture of the Barbary Sheep

They read maps, checked out the new playground and tree house.  We looked at all the different insects found inside the playhouse too.

The boys got to see a bus stop their dad made at work

An elephant skull

We're Giant Anteaters inside a termite mound

The boys each bought a stuffed animal today

Lesser panda


The river otter is yawning; not hissing.  The boys loved him (or her?)!

He is pretty darn cute!

bald eagle 

The tree house!  An awesome new play area for kids. 

Luna moths and insects all around to see 


fun with gears and colored leaves

Drums, wind chimes, and rhythm sticks

 Linking Up With:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg


  1. I love red pandas too they are so cute. Sounds like a great zoo - a brilliant place for children to learn. Sarah #ExplorerKids

    1. They're just so adorable; what's not to love, right?

  2. What great memories you've now got - and I can't believe all the pictures you took - amazing. It's great how they try to make it as educational as possible.

    1. LOL! I don't even think I shared ALL the ones I took. I love taking photos.

  3. This looks a great zoo to visit and how cute are the lesser Panda’s and love the photo of the kids with there stuffed animals! :) Mandy xx #explorerkids

    1. We love lesser pandas! My middle son even had me make him a lesser panda costume for Halloween one year.

  4. Great Idea to visit a zoo in autumn! need only warm clothes and it will be a funny day

    1. We were surprised at how many animals were still out and about; it was a fun day and we practically had the whole place to ourselves!

  5. I've never heard of Binturong before. Interesting to read about it. Nice bus stop by the way! Those Ottos are so cute! What a great learning day for all! Thank you so much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids x

    1. We first heard of the binturong at our local zoo (a different and smaller zoo than this one) when they had a baby one for a bit. My boys had actually been able to pet it and talked at length to the zookeepers about this unusual species. They are really neat. We love finding new species to learn about.

  6. I wish we had a zoo near us. This one looks great! You are such a good mom/teacher to pick up the school day and move it outdoors when the kids seem to be struggling. I need to do more of that.

    1. I don't do that nearly as often now that they are in middle school and high school but I used to do it just about anytime any one of us was in tears or frustrated and I don't regret it at all. We learned so much (sure different stuff than I had planned) but still learning!


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