Homeschooling Through a Multi-Day Power Outage

Wow! Thanks to all of you who've been checking out my blog during the last few days. I logged on today to find I've made 1,500 page views! That was just amazing. I haven't posted anything since we've been without power/ Internet since hurricane Sandy came through on Monday. We still are without power for most things, but my wonderful husband, not only hooked us up to a generator, but also left a portable device with me that enables me to use the Internet!! It's amazing how quickly we become accustomed to technology and feel so lost without it. Part of my hurricane prep was to make sure all the games, science experiments and "school" stuff was printed off or copied from the Internet so we'd have plenty to do. Many of my friends tried to convince me to let the boys have time off just like the local schools but really I knew without power I needed to keep them occupied more than ever and believe it or not my kids LOVE school now that we homeschool. ...