Teddy Bear Sleepover at the Library!

 Our library was hosting a teddy bear sleep over tonight so we loaded into the car and took off.    We made sure to pack animals that the boys would not miss terribly overnight and they were excited to leave their animal for it's very own sleepover.

It was ADORABLE and the kids loved it!

They got to:
  • listen to stories with their animals
  • Sing songs and dance
  • Chase bubbles around the room
  •  Play musical hula hoops (like musical chairs but you jump in an empty hula hoop when the music stops instead of a chair)
  • Try hula hooping
  • Act out the story of Goldilocks and the three bears using puppets.  
When all the activities were done it was time to say goodnight to the animals. 

Then they made a name tag for their animal, kissed them goodnight and put them in the tent.  Then the animals got to sleep at the library overnight.

 It was a riot to listen to my boys when we pulled up to the library.  They each had a "talk" with their animals about appropriate behavior-- "don't bite the librarian or any of the other animals" "don't eat any of the books" "make sure you behave or you'll be grounded"  I was trying so hard not to laugh.

The next day we had to go to the library and collect our stuffed animals, who were pretty good for the librarians except for Ian's alligator who ate one of the library books! 

 It was just darling and the expressions on their faces were just priceless.

Each child got a sheet of card stock with 3 small photos of the animals doing various things around the library.  Ian grounded Chompy on the spot and told him he's going to have to sleep on the floor!

While there we joined in the summer read aloud (for reading) and as soon as we sat down Ian studied the picture of his animal "eating" the book and propped next to the alligator in the picture was another book called "Books are For Eating" and says "OH! no wonder why he ate that book look what he had just read!"

It was probably one of the most fun activities we've participated in at our library.


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