Milk Paint and Melted Crayons

On hot summer days we rarely feel like doing any schoolwork. Often we'll find fun activities to keep us occupied and while the boys don't realize it I do count all of our activities as part of school. Today we had fun with art and science and combining the two. We made our own paint and tried our hand at melting crayons in the sun. I quickly made up a batch of paint from sweetened condensed milk and food coloring. Once painted, it dries nice and shiny and it's an unusual consistency to paint with. They tried painting some of the stuff they had found on a nature scavenger hunt and they tried making prints on the paper and then they just painted with paint brushes. We put our broken crayons in the sun and watched them melt bit by bit throughout the day. Some of them melted completely; others hardly melted at all. Ian told us that "the dark colored ones melted first because dark colors attract the sunlight more." We'll probably keep them outside another day ...