Throwback Tuesday: Getting A Homeschooling Day Back on Track
Originally published February 6, 2014 when my boys were 9, 8 & 6. It was a snowy winter day and we were procrastinating at starting school in order to enjoy the snow. Our day started out completely normal; I got up, exercised, ate breakfast, cleaned the house, showered, etc. The boys got up, played (outside!), ate breakfast, did their chores, etc. Love the tunnel/ house that they built in our giant snow pile Yet, somehow, we got totally off schedule. It was 11 o'clock and I was stressing because school had not yet started. We were leaving the house around 1 so I could get to an appointment and I was starting to think we just weren't going to be able to have school today. I'd like to say that we rarely veer off schedule but that's just not true. Often I find that I need to redirect our day and get us back on schedule. I finally sat down and thought about a few quick ways we could at least get SOMETHING done today. There ar...